Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Different Kind of Leader

How would the David School be different if Rita was principal?

We know that Rita has taken on a social justice perspective... just as the staff members at the David School have. The exposure to best  practices for educating low-socio economic students seem to be vastly different amongst the staff of the David School and Rita at the Wilson School. There is a need for change in both schools. The approach will be different based on the fact that at the David School, staff members want a better change to occur; but the school cannot financially afford to mandate the changes. At the Wilson School, most staff members don't want to see their way of providing enrichment activities changed.  Rita knows that she is up against a concrete wall at the Wilson School.

Now, if she took over the David School, Rita would more than likely not have to deal with resistance to change. She would; however, have to challenge her teachers to move beyond the limitations that their students endure on a daily basis outside of the wall of school.

One idea that Todd Whitaker, author of What Great Principals Do Differently, suggests that Rita should help her teachers understand that they are the common variable linking theirr students to success or failure. Rita cannot assume that teachers know what and how to teach certain concepts. She needs to take on the role of an executive instructional leader on her campus. She will need to evaluate the talents and competence of her teachers. Rita cannot be afraid of rearranging teachers according to their strengths and talents. If the change does not work for multiple years, Rita may need to look at encouraging them to find different employment. As Rita continues to promote change for the benefit of her students, she will help her teachers disaggregate assessment data, and use the data to make future decisions about instruction. Teachers will be encouraged to move beyond the circumstances of the students and instruct them in spite of: Empathy vs. Sympathy. It is ok to care, but teachers should not become overwhelmed with the lives of students outside of the classroom. This may cause negativity to creep in. Too much negativity can birth ineffective teachers.

Rita is a "doing" principal. She is a purposeful thinker. Her decisions her purposeful. Her actions are purposeful as well. With Rita as the chief on David School's ship, the school will dramatically move forward with great innovation and success.

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